This year, we embarked on an exciting journey to strengthen our ministry through our new organizational structure, guided by three spheres of focus. Echoing our mission to build the church and love the world, the Build the Church sphere encompasses our worship and music, faith formation, generosity, and invitational ministries. In 2024, this sphere witnessed transformative growth and innovation, most notably through the addition of Alyssa Herrig as our Minister for Family Fun, Faith Formation, and Community Engagement.
Alyssa joined our team with a passion for reimagining how we support children and families in their lives of faith. Since arriving in July, she has led efforts to create worship experiences that engage people of all ages, ensuring children and families feel welcomed and inspired in our shared faith community. From introducing family-friendly liturgical elements to offering hands-on opportunities during worship, Alyssa has infused new energy into how we gather to praise God together.
Her creativity has also sparked fresh opportunities for connection and growth. Supported by the parent leaders of our CYF Team, Alyssa has experimented with several intergenerational faith formation events that brought members of all ages together to learn, pray, and serve side by side. Confirmation instruction has been revitalized as well, with an emphasis on interactive and experiential learning that deepens faith and builds lasting relationships among our young people.
Also notable this year, and under the leadership of Julene Hannesh, our Youth Director, our high school youth group experienced a life-changing trip to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Alongside 20,000 other young people from across the country, our youth explored what it means to be “Created to Be” through five days of inspiring speakers, transformative worship, and incredible fellowship. This experience not only strengthened their faith but also solidified their sense of belonging to a wider community of believers. The joy and energy they brought back have ignited new enthusiasm within our congregation.
Through these efforts, Build the Church has continued to shape a ministry that nurtures faith, fosters generosity, and invites others into God’s extraordinary story. As we look ahead, we give thanks for the Spirit’s guidance and the gifts of all who contribute to this vital work. Together, we are growing in faith and living into our call to build the church for all generations.