Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

July and August often bring a change of pace, a chance to step back from our hectic schedules and find moments of rest. (That’s what I’m up to this week!) In this season of respite, we have a unique opportunity to delve deeply into a profound bit of scripture and allow its truths to resonate within us. Sunday, we’ll embark on a six-week journey through the book of 1 John, titled “Complete Joy.” As we do, let’s take a moment to reflect on the significance of slowing down during these summer months.

1 John is not merely a collection of doctrines but a heartfelt testimony from the Apostle John to the early Christian community. John emphasizes the inseparable connection between faith and life, urging us to get our views of Jesus correct and understand how these beliefs should shape our everyday actions. This ancient message is just as relevant today, reminding us that love and fellowship are foundational to our discipleship.

By taking the time to immerse ourselves in this letter, we can uncover the depth of its wisdom and apply it to our lives. As theologian Marcus Borg once said, “Being Christian is about a way of life, not simply a system of beliefs.” My hope is that this series will help us explore how our faith in Jesus transforms our relationships, our community, and ultimately, our joy.

As we gather each week to hear from 1 John, let us do so with open hearts and minds, ready to receive the complete joy that comes from living out the truths of our faith. And may the remainder of this summer be a time of spiritual renewal and deeper fellowship as we journey together through this beautiful text.

May God’s peace find you today. -Pastor Peter

Let’s pray… Gracious God, guide us in this new series through 1 John. As we go, help us deepen our faith, embrace love, and experience the fullness of your joy. Amen.