Photo by Norbu GYACHUNG on Unsplash

On Sunday, we’ll consider next how we’ve been “created to be authentic.” Guiding our worship, we’ll look to Matthew 5, where Jesus speaks of us as the light of the world, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. In this passage, Jesus calls us to let our light shine before others, illuminating the unique ways God has created each of us to reflect God’s love and truth.

To be authentic means embracing and expressing our true selves as God designed. It means recognizing and celebrating our individuality, not conforming to societal pressures or expectations. True authenticity involves vulnerability and openness, sharing our real selves with others. Theologian Henri Nouwen writes about the importance of being our true selves, suggesting that it is through our authentic living that we can genuinely connect with others and build meaningful relationships.

“The more you know your own darkness, the more you can bring it into the light and help others bring theirs into the light. True community is not made of people with the same wounds, but of people who have brought their wounds into the light.”

-Henri Nouwen

Following last week’s consideration of being brave, living authentically also requires courage and trust in God’s purpose for our lives. It calls us to let our inner light shine, revealing our true character, strengths, and even our weaknesses. By doing so, we become a beacon of God’s love and grace, encouraging others to do the same. Our authenticity can inspire those around us to embrace their own unique identities and live in the freedom of who God created them to be.

May God’s peace find you today. -Pastor Peter

Let us pray… Creator God, we pray for the strength to live authentically, to embrace our true selves, and to shine brightly in a world that often encourages us to hide or diminish our light. Amen.