Monday, March 11; 6:30pm @ Our Redeemer Church in St. Paul
All are welcome to come hear the latest news about what God is doing through Iringa and Bega kwa Bega (the St. Paul Area Synod’s partnership with the Iringa Diocese in Tanzania)
Gather to hear the news from Iringa and Bega Kwa Bega – school visits and infrastructure projects, parish growth and opportunities to support unpartnered parishes, travel updates and resources. Meet Cluster Leaders and others from congregations near yours.
The event will take place on Monday, March 11 at 6:30 pm at:
Our Redeemer Church
1390 Larpenteur Ave E
St. Paul MN
No registration needed, just come!
Karibuni sana.
For more details, contact Caryn Josephson at