Written by Steve Sveom, Chair
The Campus Planning Task Force was given four tasks to do with a target of completing work by the end of 2023.
- To seek the Interim Use Permit for the Tiny Home Settlement
- To determine the possibility of an ongoing settlement. This was voted on in October. Any future expansion would be determined by Congregational Council motion and vote by the congregation.
- To consider an overall master plan for campus and ministry. This included:
- Review possible uses – especially follow up on the Affordable Housing Team work (City zoning and restrictions eliminate any possibility of an affordable housing apartment). One model for affordable townhouses for homeless families is still not eliminated but has serious questions. A Habitat for Humanity development is still on the table. The CPTF meeting this coming Monday will need to determine explicitly what possibilities are eliminated and if anything should be further pursued. The BKV Group architects, who were part of the pro bono design charrette in September/October have reached out and are still willing to consult with us in the coming weeks.
- Day Care possibilities – not possible in combination with an apartment. There may be possibilities if PoP installs a sprinkler system and/or builds an addition to the northwest corner of the building. Cost may be prohibitive and solid estimates have not been obtained.
- Ministry possibilities that have been raised include a food shelf and/or clothing distribution in coordination with Roseville Schools
- Cooperative ministry (Office space) for service providers seems unlikely without an Affordable Housing development to serve.
- Deferred maintenance and long-term building renovations have received minimal attention and could be passed along to an active building committee after the CPTF discontinues work.
- A report will be provided for the January semi-annual meeting.
The CPTF has completed much of its task and participants, who were given a target of the end of 2023 for its work, will be offered the opportunity to discontinue work. If the Task Force decides to continue with select tasks, a recommendation to the Congregation Council will be given to consider extended authorization of the Task Force. If approved, those who wish to continue will have the opportunity and the Task Force will remain open to new participants.