God’s vision for the world, over and over in scripture, is linked to the thriving of the generations that follow.  And the capacity of this flourishing is rooted in their care and concern for the youngest.  This is something that our evangelist Mark helps Jesus to underscore as he is teaching his disciples.  These curious children that are coming close to Jesus, need to be centered not shushed or shunned.  “The kingdom that God is creating belongs to them!” teaches Jesus.  At once, the disciples and we know exactly where God’s imagined future will be planted.

Yesterday, Prince of Peace celebrated the remarkable partnership this church has with another church on the other side of the world.  Well, two churches actually.  And a whole bunch of preaching points and affiliated ministries that are together expanding the kingdom of God in Tanzania.  In the two decades that Prince of Peace has been in partnership with the faithful people of Bomalang’ombe and Vikongwa and the whole Iringa Diocese, one of the primary projects we have endeavored to support are scholarships for the children of these villages to attend schools.

Last evening we hosted another dinner and benefit auction in celebration of this amazing partnership.  Most of the money that we have raised over the years has been directed in support of the children of these villages, enabling them to go to school.  Among the children that we have helped to educate are the doctors, nurses, engineers, administrators, pastors, and teachers that are facilitating and leading this remarkable blossoming of God’s people in the highlands of eastern Africa.  Empowering these young people in their education has had an undeniably profound impact on the capacity for God’s vision to be made real in that place. 

And, I would argue, it’s having a profound impact in this place too.  When we see what is possible on the other side of the world, we are inspired to roll up our own sleeves and get busy right here in our backyard.  As the challenges of this time and place continue to confront us, I’m confident that we’ll continue relying on God’s deep well of compassion.  As we seek to feed hungry families, create homes for the unstably housed, provide safe & affordable childcare, and any number of other possibilities that God is putting before us, let’s look for those who need to be brought to the center.  Where they too might take some refuge in the arms of God and come to know the transformative power of God’s unconditional and unending love. 

May God’s peace find you today. -Pastor Peter

Let us pray… Partnering God, as you have called us into life-giving relationship, continue building up our brothers and sisters in Bomlang’ombe and Vikongwa. May the blossoming of their communities of faith be a witness for us all, And may the power of prayers we share, the presence we bring, and the projects we engage reflect your vision for the world. Amen.