Written by Caryn & Jim Josephson
Last day in Iringa. We started the day with an orientation at the Diocese office. For most traveling groups this happens on their first day, and gives a great overview of many of the initiatives of the Diocese. Some of these are included as part of Bega kwa Bega, but there are many more! Members of the Diocese leadership team talked about their roles, and then we introduced ourselves. We were able to share our wonderful experiences in Bomalang’ombe and Vikongwa.
We got a tour of the Millions of Trees project, which provides seedlings for pine trees, grafted avocado trees and eucalyptus. The planting occurs on the grounds of the Diocese campus. Also on campus is Radio Furaha, which broadcasts religious and educational programs and music. We ran into a friend we met on our first visit, who is now the radio station manager.
We were pleasantly surprised to see Pastor Mdegela again, who was in town for a few meetings!
In the afternoon Jim and our driver shopped for rice for Huruma Center while Caryn attended a meeting for her work on the Iringa Committee. We finished the day by dropping off the rice, getting a tour of a new primary school that is being built on Huruma Center grounds, and dinner at Mama Iringas, which serves Italian food and homemade ice cream. We leave for Dar es Salaam early tomorrow.