August is nearly upon us and that means soon school days will begin.
From now until August 27 Prince of Peace will be collecting school supplies for Central Park Elementary School.
Items being collected included, but are not limited to:
- spiral notebooks – wide rule
- composition notebooks – wide rule
- loose leaf wide rule writing paper
- 3 ringed binders
- Pencils
- pink erasers
- blue, black, or red pens
- fine point markers
- box of crayons
- pack of colored pencils
- scissors
- highlighters
- dry erase markers – black
- index cards
- rulers
- tape
- pack of colored markers – washable
- sticky notes
- glue sticks
- backpacks
- Monetary donations used to purchase gift cards for the school administration to distribute based on student needs. CLICK HERE to give online.
Please place these school supplies in the donation boxes in the narthex by Monday, August 28.
Judy Florine, a teacher and a member of the Prince of Peace Outreach Committee for many years, was in charge of this “Back to School Supply Drive”. Judy died on August 25, 2021.
In 2022 in Judy’s memory the “Back to School Supplies” were delivered to Central Park Elementary School on August 25, 2022