Today’s Author: Steve Sveom

Today’s Scripture Reading: Acts 16:16-40

This story of Paul and Silas is the story of a community of faith.  In the face of opposition, Paul and Silas were steadfast in faith.  In their humility before the jailer, they brought him and his household into the community of faith.  The jailer and his household were comforted and embraced by the love of God in baptism.  The jailer and his household comforted and embraced the love of God by washing wounds and sharing food.

Photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash

When Paul and Silas were released from jail they went to Lydia’s house to see and encourage the brothers and sisters of the community of faith – the followers of Jesus.  The community of faith is intended to be a source of encouragement, a people of joy, and a source of love.  We can be strengthened by hearing the story of Jesus and understand our own story better and be challenged to practice our response.  The community of faith is a people anchored and grounded in the values of Christ.  We gather to share stories of faith.  We gather to challenge each other to growth.  We gather to encourage each other.  We gather to be strengthened by simply seeing each other and knowing we are not alone.

This reading tells of two gatherings: Paul and Silas with the jailer and his household.  They gather around baptism and a meal to rejoice in God’s grace and inclusion.  Then, Paul and Silas gather with people of faith at the home of Lydia to reconnect and be empowered to pursue the next step of faith.  We are blessed by community.  We give and receive God’s love, encourage each other to grow, and equip each other to engage with the world as people loved by God who share God’s love.  Thank you for being the community of faith together.

Prayer:  We thank you God for the community of faith. It is a gift from you to us all for listening, celebrating, encouraging and equipping us. Amen.

Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community.  If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, contact Pastor Peter.