Today’s Author: Deb Cordes
Martha said, “If you were here, my brother would not have died.”
When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her were also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.
Such faith! Such fearlessness to say that in front of the others that were there. To declare her love and total belief in him. I wish I had that much faith.
Mel was a successful contractor and carpenter. He was wise. He was the head of the German Cordes farm family. When grandpa died, he left his land to Mel. He, in turn, share the value with his five sisters and brothers equally. No questions asked. No expectations. We all knew he had it all and just didn’t need this little extra. It was OK and we thanked him for his generosity.
Mel had not only David but twins Linda and Laurie too. They were only one year younger than me. They were the light of Mel’s life. Then Laurie died. Suddenly – no illness. No lingering. Just a phone call saying she had dropped dead on the floor. She was 19 years old.
God, where were you for Mel? The worst part was yet to come. It was determined that her death was due to an inherited heart value issue……and her twin likely had it as well. While funeral planning was going on, Mel, Joanne, and Linda’s husband Doug took her for testing. Praying that she would just be OK.
I was heartbroken for Mel and his family. I had no clue what to say or do. I prayed for anything to guide me. Please God let me help somehow, someway. There was nothing I could do with the exception of praying for God’s love to help the fear and heartbreak. I prayed so hard.
On Laurie’s headstone, it not only has her dates of birth and death, but a simple “God loves me, this I know”. Mel chose it. He never said why.
Dear God, I know you hear my prayers. Sometimes, I would like a more direct answer. Please give me the faith of Mary and Martha, to know you are here and will take care of me. My heart cries out and you hear me.
Psalm 23
Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil for you are with me;
Your rod and staff they comfort me.
Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community. If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, contact Pastor Peter.