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“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27

There is so much to command our attention and so many places that exist in fragile, unsettled states.  In the last few days, the people of Ukraine and Russia have been subjected to the fatal consequences of miscalculating leadership.  Though we are continents apart, we cannot shut out the cries of our neighbors.  Though we have worries of our own, we cannot ignore the harm coming to others.

So, we pray for peace. 

The kind of peace that Jesus promises to his disciples and to the world.  There are men who think peace can only result from positions of strength and power, standing safely behind their battalions.  But the power that Jesus embodies comes in a very different form, one that loves the enemy.  And this power brings true peace.

So, let us pray for true peace.

In the public debate, pitting one side against another, we can be confident that God is not on the sides of the powerful.  God stands with the powerless.  God weeps with those whose lives are senselessly and tragically diminished.  God wraps their arms around those who are caught in the middle.

And God hears our prayers for peace. 

May these prayers rise up so loudly that the world can hear nothing else. May God’s peace come to you and all the people of the world this day. -Pastor Peter

Let us pray…  God of peace, our brother and sisters in Ukraine and Russia are desperate for reassurance.  Bring your wisdom and your way into the hearts and minds of those who hold all the power to change course.  Bring your comfort to those who grasp for life.  Give courage to all who seek a different path and bring them safely home.  Amen.