Today’s Author: Milt Warkentien

During Advent, we await the birth of Christ while being bombarded by ads for this gadget or that gadget and for the latest must-have. What can we do to feel the longing of Advent during the onslaught of Christmas? 

Does worrying about how I can get to all the concerts, in-person, online, or via TV; who should I buy presents for, and how much to spend; can we gather safely this year; what are we going to prepare for the gathering; etcccc, keep you from the meaning of Advent and Christmas? 

Gary Olson did a children’s message on Little things many years ago, and this year I suggest you think about all the “Little Things” you can do to feel the longing of Advent and appreciate the true meaning of Christmas. Take time to do a devotion, take time to read the Christmas story, take time to be friendly towards others, etc. If you concentrate on the “little things” maybe some of the larger tasks won’t seem as ominous.

I like viewing each week of Advent through hope, peace, joy, and love. This helps me look for each of these things during the Advent season and centers me for what Christ brings to all of us each Christmas (and then throughout the whole year). 

Based on Gary’s Children’s Message of a few years back I wrote the song “Little Things”.  I hope the words help you reflect on your Advent/Christmas Season:

1) Be the Hope Christ brings to earth each Christmas. Be Christ’s Hope to all God’s children who are in need. Be Christ’s Hope in all the little things you do each day, for Christ’s little things are never small.

2) Be the Peace Christ brings to earth each Christmas. Be Christ’s Peace to all God’s children who are at war. Be Christ’s Peace in all the little things you do each day, for Christ’s little things are never small.

3) Be the Joy Christ brings to earth each Christmas. Be Christ’s Joy to all God’s children who feel despair. Be Christ’s Joy in all the little things you do each day, for Christ’s little things are never small.

4) Be the Love Christ brings to earth each Christmas. Be Christ’s Love to all God’s children who feel alone. Be Christ’s Love in all the little things you do each day, for Christ’s little things are never small.

Click below to listed to Little Things written and performed by M. Warkentien.

Dear God, help us feel the longing of Christs’ birth during this Advent Season. Help us feel Christ’s Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love when the darkness of the world seems more than we can handle. Help us look for the little things we can do for others and appreciate the little things that others do for us. Help us appreciate the little things amongst all the grandeur of the seasons. Amen

“Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community.  If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday contact Pastor Peter.