Today’s Author: Barry Brahier

Like so many of us, All Saints Day makes me think of the special people who have passed on. Back in 2007, I recall participating in the 50th anniversary of our congregation. As president of the congregation then, I provided a welcome near the start of the celebration service. The phrase I used was “standing on the shoulders of giants,” remembering that all of us owed a debt to those members who founded Prince of Peace along with the many who kept its ministries thriving all of those years. During our All Saints Day service each year, we acknowledge those who have completed their earthly journey and joined the Church Triumphant. Each of these individuals did all they could to keep our ministries thriving. They are all saints, indeed.

All of us, as members of Prince of Peace, owe no less to these saints than what they provided us: A model of following God’s will to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. When it comes down to it, these saints are no different than you or I. They did what they could with what God had blessed them with. Our work today is no different. And God is just as powerful today as in 1957. Our trust in God to provide us with the time, talent and funds to help Prince of Peace thrive is not in vain and we have our history to prove it. All we need to do is be open to God’s will and respond in a faith-filled way.

Let us pray… Almighty God, you have kit your people together in one communion in the mystical body of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Grant us grace to follow your blessed saints in lives of faith and commitment, and to know the inexpressible joys you have prepared for those who love you, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirt, on God, now and forever. Amen
(Prayer of the Day from Sunday and Seasons All Saints Day Worship)

“Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community.  If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday contact Pastor Peter.