It’s time to think about next summer already! The ELCA youth gathering is coming up July 24th-28th, 2022, right here in Minneapolis. The youth gathering is for high school students (those going into 9th grade through students that have just graduated) to gather and experience faith formation with other Lutherans from across the country. This is the first time the gathering will be in Minneapolis, and we are honored to host the biggest gathering of Lutheran youth! 

We will be having gathering informational meetings Tuesday, September 28th at 7 pm on zoom or Sunday, October 3rd at 11:30 am (following the 10:30 am service) in person. If you are unable to make either meeting but would like more information on the trip, contact our youth director Julene at  Students are encouraged to invite friends, too!

We are asking that each youth attending pays a $150 deposit to reserve a spot. We hope to fundraise the majority of the costs of the trip, however, if fundraising needs are not met, students may be responsible for additional costs closer to the time of the trip.

Registration forms and the $150 deposit are due to the PoP office by November 1st. If your child or a friend is concerned about the cost of the youth gathering, please let Julene know, funds may be available. 

We are so excited for another ELCA youth gathering and we hope your youth join us!