We value your input as part of the Prince of Peace community.  The last 18 months have been quite a roller coaster.  Together we have the opportunity to shape what the future looks like for PoP. 

As you may know, PoP was invited by the St. Paul Area Synod to join with several other congregation in a time of renewal that is called Liberating Structures.  We began the process in the spring and the next step is to survey the congregation through a Congregational Vitality Assessment.  You are invited to take 10-15 minutes to fill out this survey which will give us a snapshot of where we are now as a congregation, what is important to us as a community of faith, and things to focus on going forward. 

We would like to hear from as many people as possible to make this a valuable resource for the Council and leaders of the congregation.  Your opinions are important to us.

Please complete the survey no later than Wednesday, Aug. 25.  Thank you for your participation!