“Hot, hot burning up” could describe much of the summer here in Minnesota. But this week it has been the kids’ favorite song at Knights of North Castle Vacation Bible School. You may have fond memories of VBS from your own childhood or serving as a volunteer leader.
This week we gathered outdoors, transforming the big tent in the parking lot into a castle. VBS is just as meaningful for the teenage and adult leaders as it is for the participants, in my opinion. Immersing ourselves in Bible Stories through story, song, crafts, games, and science makes these stories “stick.” Monday’s story was Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace – as you might have guessed from the song title of “Hot, Hot Burning Up.”
Prince of Peace does a great job of being an intergenerational congregation and with people of all ages coming together to learn, serve, and worship. Thus, for the month of August, we’re going to be immersing ourselves in these favorite bible stories through our worship series “I Love to Tell the Story.” We begin this week with Cori sharing the message and the VBS participants singing Hot, Hot Burning Up.”
Members of the congregation have gotten involved and written verses of “I Love to Tell the Story” about these stories. Thank you to Ruth Hagander for this week’s verse:
I love to tell the story how faith in God was true
Of three who faced a fire, the flame turned to blue
While all the subjects bowed down, an idol made of gold
Three folk would not follow, ”no” King Neb was told.
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego were true to God that day
They stepped inside the furnace with faith that did not stray.