The following is an update from Prince of Peace’s supported missionaries, Nick and Naomi Sveholm, in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Preparing for school in Bratislava, Slovakia with Central Europe Teachers.
August brought New Teacher Orientation. Three new teachers spent eight days (re)learning the basics of teaching and living within a Slovak context. Highlights included a language class that rotated locations around Old Town for practical outside instruction, lessons taught to actual students (pictured having lunch after the lessons), negative covid tests, meetings with our school and church partners, and a final blessing and commissioning.
Here’s what’s coming next for Central Europe Teachers:
• The first day of school with students is September 2.
• At the beginning of the school year, students and teachers will be required to wear masks, vaccinated or not, and covid tests are recommended but not required upon return.
• Vaccination is slow despite supply. Vaccine hesitancy is keeping rates below 45%.
• Pope Francis will spend four days in Slovakia.
Please pray over one or all of these upcoming events.
Thank you for hosting us in July and for your ongoing prayers and support.
Nick and Naomi are teaching in Slovakia, with their kids, as representatives of ELCA’s Global Service program. If you’d like to contribute to their mission, just mark SVEHOLM on the memo line of your check to Prince of Peace.