I spent Sunday afternoon sitting in a forested lot, surrounded by tall silver maples and pine trees, listening to bagpipe music. I keep my eyes open for bagpipe concert opportunities because my mom loves bagpipes. When the drone kicks in, her eyes light up and a wide smile graces her face. (She graduated from Macalester College with a BA and a love of bagpipe music.) As I sat in my camp chair next to my mom I couldn’t help but look up as the sun dappled through the trees and the very tops of the trees seemed to sway with the music. It was perfect in every way.
As we focus on the environment this summer, we are thinking about all the ways we can improve our stewardship of the air, water, land, and our relationship with other creatures. Everyday there are articles in the paper about droughts or floods or wildfires, all events that our actions influence. Every Sunday we confess our neglect, abuse, and sins against what God has created. There is so much to be worried about and so much that we need to do, and yet, that’s not what I was thinking about Sunday afternoon.
I was thinking about how, in the still moments, it can feel like we (humans and creation) are breathing as one. Our breath, our feet tapping, the leaves dancing, the sun shining, the dogs laying next to their humans, and the music seems like a full and rich orchestral piece, each part lovely on it’s own and beautiful all together. Melody and harmony produce a deep peace and full understanding that all that God has created is good. Good. Enough. Complete. You, me, the trees, the sun, the creativity to produce instruments and music, all good. May you find time today to carve out some still time to notice and breathe in all that is good, remembering that you are a beloved part of creation.
In Peace,
Pastor Ruth
Let us pray:
Good and Gracious God, we give you thanks for the gifts of creation. Make us wise stewards, compassionate guardians, and powerful advocates for all that you have made. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.