At its regular July meeting, the Congregation Council approved a motion brought forward by our three pastors to allocate $4,000 of the congregation’s budgeted benevolence from the prior fiscal year as a “response for justice.” This allocation is to be combined with funds already received from individual donors and dispersed in equal parts to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Minneapolis and Bethlehem Lutheran Church in St. Paul in support of their neighborhood emergency relief efforts following the death of George Floyd.
If you would like to add to this response with an additional contribution, please forward your gift to the office, indicating “justice” in a memo line. Or add your support via our online giving platform – use the “special designated” category and type in “justice.”
The annual budget of the congregation includes a “council designated” benevolence line item that allows for the church to adhere to its constitutional expectation to give away at lest 10% of tithes and offerings received. This action to allocate $4000, in support of the work our brothers and sisters in the most effected parts of the metro have undertaken, brought our annual benevolence distribution just over the 10% mandate for the 2019-20 budget year.