The story of this picture: Following the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of police on Memorial Day, violence broke out in south Minneapolis. Stores and businesses were quickly boarded up. But within a week, the plywood windows were covered by art that expresses hope and love. This is a collage of the paintings at Lake Street and Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis. It is the inspiration for our sermon series “Love in Action.”
Summer 2020 Worship Series
That love is a significant part of the life of faith is not a surprise to most of us. That God loves us is also central to our identity as followers of Jesus. Where we might get hung up from time to time is figuring out how we can live our lives in response to God’s love. How do we love when we’re lost, disconnected, afraid, or feeling like why have nothing left to give? An ancient story from the Book of Ruth wrestles with these same questions and reveals some important truths about love. In a world filled with too much fear, over the next four weeks, let’s spend some time developing our capacity to respond in love.
Sunday, June 14 – Ruth Chapter 1
Loving Kindness in the Midst of Loss: As a foreigner, Ruth has nothing to gain, but could lose a lot, by remaining loyal to Naomi. Naomi knows this, and yet Ruth persists. Ruth’s loving kindness in Naomi’s (and her own) grief ends up transforming their lives.
Sunday, June 21 – Ruth Chapter 2
Loving Kindness in Loyalty: Ruth is an outsider who has moved with her mother-in-law Naomi to Naomi’s hometown. Ruth meets Boaz who praises her for her loyalty to her mother-in-law and then shares that generosity with Ruth.
Sunday, June 28 – Ruth Chapter 3
Loving Kindness and Taking a Risk: Sometimes, the life of faith calls upon us to take risks that push us far beyond our comfort zones. In our story, Ruth and Boaz both take bold action to secure a promised future, born out of love.
Sunday, July 5 – Ruth Chapter 4
Loving Kindness Leads to New Life: new life where before there was only emptiness — all of it is made possible through the hesed of God, enacted by Ruth and Boaz, everyday, ordinary people who demonstrate extraordinary love and faithfulness.
This short video from The Bible Project is a great introduction to the Book of Ruth: