Upcoming Worship Schedule:

March 1

  • Traditional w/communion
  • 8:30 Chancel Choir
  • 10:45 Sunday School Choir

March 8

  • Band Led
  • 8:30 Worship Team
  • 10:45 Chancel Choir

March 15

  • Traditional w/communion
  • Bells of Peace at both services

March 22

  • Traditional
  • Chancel Choir at both services

March 29

  • Band Led w/communion
  • Worship Team at both services

Wednesdays in Lent – March 4 – April 1

  • 6pm Soup Supper – Youth group Fundraiser
  • 7pm Holden Evening Prayer featuring Stories of Holy Surprise

Looking Forward to Holy Week

April 5 – Palm Sunday

  • Traditional w/communion
  • 8:30 TBD
  • 9:30 Youth Fundraising Breakfast
  • 10:45 Sunday School Choir
  • 1:00 Easter Egg Roll for Community

April 9 – Maundy Thursday

  • Worship with Holy Communion and Stripping of the Altar
  • 11:00 OK’s Luncheon to follow service
  • 7:00 Celebrating First Communion

April 10 – Good Friday

  • 11:00 Family Friendly Worship – Sunday School Choir with lunch afterwards
  • 7:00 Good Friday service with Chancel Choir – A Celebration of Life for Jesus. Come explore a new way of experiencing Good Friday.

April 12 – Easter Sunday

  • Traditional w/ communion
  • Chancel Choir at both 8:30 & 10:45

Musings from Milt…

Lent is upon us, which, for me, is a time of reflection. Our overall theme this year is “Listen. Learn. Love.” and our lenten theme is “It’s not about you… but it is.” These themes are both reflective, but I find them reflective in different ways. Our overall theme tends to get me thinking about community, friends and family, Prince of Peace (the church in general) and the world. While, the Lenten theme causes me to think more about my own faith, where I am, and where I’d like to be in my journey to the cross.

Listen. Learn. Love. What do these words have to do with music and life? Well, everything.

Listen: If you have time this month, I encourage you to ponder these questions with me. What is music if there isn’t anybody around to hear it? How does one learn music without listening? Listening is one of the most important aspects of music. One can’t tune or play together without listening to the other musicians around them. What good is singing a hymn if one hasn’t listened to what the words are saying? How do we know what’s going on in the world if we don’t listen? How do we know where we’re supposed to be, or what we’re supposed to do if we do not listen?
Listening is a key component to all we do.

Learn: How does one get better? They learn through practicing their particular musical talent(s), and they learn their music. They learn what the music means and how to interpret it. They learn how to work alone and to work with others. If we aren’t learning from what we hear (both in music and more broadly), then we live in a very small world. We hear news stories and have to make decisions, and, these decisions should be influenced by what we’ve learned. We need to learn what makes our friends and family happy, so that we can be supportive parts of their lives, but we also need to learn what might be harmful to them, so that we can help keep them safe.
Learning is a lifelong journey.

Love: It is my hope that all musicians have a love for music and those they perform with. Music is for all ages. Music doesn’t have racial barriers. Music doesn’t have social barriers. Music is about love. If we aren’t living with love in our hearts how can one listen and learn with an open mind? How can one interact with friends and family without love? And, is it really possible to listen and learn without love?
Love is the greatest gift from Jesus.

It has been a joy to examine music ministry from a “Listen. Learn. Love.” perspective, but what I’m more excited about is our lenten theme, “It’s not about you… but it is.” I enjoy the parables because Jesus seems to tell stories we can relate to. This doesn’t mean they aren’t uncomfortable from time to time, but they usually do allow me to reflect on my own faith. Many times, the parables are about others, but reflecting more deeply, they are relevant to us too!

As we journey to the cross, throughout Lent, I encourage you to take time to look at the texts and ruminate.

  • “What is Jesus saying to me?”
  • “Am I the person that is being rebuked, or aided?”
  • “Where does Jesus fit into my faith life?”
Milt Warkentien, Music Ministry Coordinator

For me these questions are very important to keep asking. I find it very easy to get lazy in my faith. The feeling of going through the motions is one many of us know. Do you get home from church and all that you remember is who you saw, or didn’t see? How many times does the scripture, hymns, “Sunday School” etc… remain with you all Sunday, let alone the whole week!? If you’re like me, you can never hear enough that “It is not about you…but it is.” It’s also crucial to never stop listening, learning and loving.

Some Sunday, when you have time to sit and reflect, take a look at ELW 325 “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me”. I hope Jesus walks with all of us our whole lives, but especially now, as we journey through Lent and experience the amazing grace of Easter.
