2020 Habitat for Humanity Project
The dates for Prince of Peace participation in the 2020 Habitat for Humanity project have been finalized. There are seven workdays assigned to POP with a total of 24 work slots (parenthetical are number of volunteers needed for each day):
Tues. April 14 (4), Weds. April 15 (3), Mon. April 27 (4), Tues. April 28 (3)
Mon. June 1 (3), Mon. June 8 (3), Tues. June 9 (4)
There are two workdays assigned to POP to provide the snacks and the noon meal (parenthetical are the number of volunteers being requested for each day):
Tues. April 14 (4), Weds. April 15 (4).
The Signup sheet is posted in the hallway.