The four women’s bible study groups will begin a new study WE ARE CALLED! written by Kathryn A. Kleinhans. The January lesson “Hearing God’s Voice” focuses on the calls of several Old Testament prophets. The winter lessons will be a reminder that each of us is called to keep building faith community wherever we are.
Rebecca Circle
- meets the second Monday in the homes at 7:00pm
- January 13 hostess: ________________ Bible Study Leader: Carol Swanson
- February 10 hostess: _______________ Bible Study Leader: Carol Swanson
Women of the Well Circle
- meets the second Monday in the homes at 9:30am.
- January 13 hostess is Esther Tatley, 651-490-5850
- February 10 hostess is Kay Johnson, 651-483-3042
Lydia Circle
- meets the second Tuesday morning at 9:30am.
- The month of January the Lydia Circle will not meet.
- February 11 hostess is Vera Ista, 651-484-4443, and will meet in the church library at 9:30am. Bible Study Leader: Sharon Rachner
Ruth Circle
- meets the second Wednesday in the church library at 1:30pm
- January 8 hostess:_______________, Bible Study Leader: Anne Haugan
- February 12 hostess: _____________, Bible Study Leader: Pastor Ruth
If you do not participate in a women’s bible study circle and would to, please call a hostess or Anne Haugan at 651-484-3856.
The magazine of Women of the ELCA “Gather” is used by the Circles for the studies. This magazine offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action. The church has three copies available at the beginning of each month if you would like to try the magazine. Link to Gather Magazine online.