November 3, 17, & 24 – 4:30-6pm
You are invited to join Pastor Ruth and Suzan Hurlbut for a book club discussion on the newly released book “Dear Church: A Love Letter From a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the U.S.” by Rev. Lenny Duncan.
“Lenny Duncan is an unlikely pastor. Formerly incarcerated, formerly homeless, and formerly unchurched, he is now a black preacher in the whitest denomination in the United States: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Shifting demographics and shrinking congregations make the headlines, but Duncan connects the church’s lack of diversity to its lack of vitality. Part manifesto, part confession, and all love letter, Dear Church offers a bold new vision for the future of the church.”
This is a powerful book that challenges us to examine our part in white supremacy, nationalism, and toxic masculinity and reminds us that the way of the cross is the way of reconciliation, repair, and revolution. We will have a sign-up sheet and some books to purchase at church or you can purchase your own elsewhere.
ELCA Pastor Lenny Duncan
We will meet in the church library from 4:30-6:00 pm on Sundays, Nov. 3, Nov. 17, and Nov. 24. The book is in three parts and we will take one part per Sunday. All are welcome to participate!