UPDATE: As of April 15, we’ve received $1516 in contributions towards our $2000 matching goal. We’re over 75% of the way there!
The Huruma Centre is a ministry of the Iringa Diocese in Tanzania and provides a safe home, nurture, nutrition and education for children who, for a variety of reasons, have no family or others to care for them. “Friends of Huruma” is our ministry partner that helps provide care for the children of the Huruma Centre through mutual relationship, prayer, financial support, and programs that enrich the lives of the children.
A visit to Huruma center is one of the trip highlights when Prince of Peace travels to Iringa. In the past we have spent time with the children, toured the facility and brought school supplies, food, knit caps and soccer balls.
Once again this year, Prince of Peace has received a $2000 matching grant for Friends of Huruma. Donations from our April 10th Lenten offering plus donations received through April 30th will go towards the matching grant. You can make checks out to Prince of Peace and write Friends of Huruma on the memo or envelope. You can also make a contribution through our VANCO Giving Portal by clicking here.
Read a words of thanks from the Friends of Huruma for our past support. Feb 2018 FoH Letter