April 2019 Worship Schedule:
Milt Warkentien, Music Ministry Coordinator and Lightshine Youth Choir Director
Wednesday, April 3
7:00 p.m. Lent Service
Sunday, April 7 traditional with communion
8:30 a.m. Chancel Choir 10:45 a.m. Lightshine Youth Choir
Wednesday, April 10
7:00 p.m. Lent Service
Palm Sunday, April 14 Band Led
Worship Team at both services
with Pancake Breakfast @ 9:40 a.m.
Maundy Thursday, April 18
7:00 p.m. Thursday Service
Good Friday, April 19 Two services
11:00 a.m. Sunday School Choir 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir
Easter Sunday, April 21 with communion
Chancel Choir and brass at both services
Sunday, April 28 Masterworks Service
Chancel Choir at both services
Sunday, May 5 Band Led with communion
8:30 a.m. Worship Team 10:45 a.m. Lightshine Youth Choir
This year April is the month that we end the Lenten journey to the cross. I hope you’ve found “Noteable Quotables” and the Wednesday night storytelling interesting and worshipful. As we head into the end of Lent/Holy Week and Easter, I want everyone to think about which teachings of Jesus have the most meaning for you. When you have a few in mind, ask yourself why these teachings are the most meaningful to you.
I’ve found over the years that sometimes some teachings get so familiar that I’ve become sort of numb to them. They still seem important, but the reason why they seem important is gone, or fading. Sometimes I find that something has replaced it in importance. Other times I find that the reason the teaching was important to me isn’t of the same importance as it once was. As our lives change, the teachings that mean the most to us may change too. I think this is part of an active faith, part of what is going on in our life, and sometimes it could be that a teaching has been presented in a way that you hadn’t heard before, which brings new life to that particular teaching.
I also want you to think about telling your Christian story, or a story that had a large impact on your life. What story would you tell? For me, my family is an extremely important part of my story, both my biological family and those that have entered my life and have become family.
My “family” is my backbone of my faith. They’re my sounding board, inspiration and most importantly, the love of Christ that is always present in my life. My “family” is always there walking by my side, or carrying me when needed. I hope all of you have a “family” of love.
Music is also an important part of my story. Being able to use a gift to enhance worship, or just to have some fun, is truly a remarkable experience. Music has also brought so many incredible people into my “family.” It is an incredible joy to be able work with so many remarkable musicians. Music also brings Jesus’ teachings to life in so many ways. Music enhances my worship experience and my life, through playing and listening. Family and music are truly important parts of my story, but when I think about what gives me the most life, new excitement, and challenges, it has to be all the youth that have come into my life.
I’ve been working with youth in some capacity for almost 40 years and still wonder what my “KIDS” are doing and pray that they are safe. It seems funny that some of these “KIDS” are probably almost 50 now, but once a youth in my life, always a youth in my heart. I get asked how I can spend so much time with youth, but I can’t imagine how someone doesn’t have them in their life. Youth can bring up questions of faith that cause me to search for answers. Youth can drive me crazy and cause me to ask for strength. Youth can bring a smile into my life that reminds me Christ is alive. Youth can make me need to ask for forgiveness, when I’ve lost my temper, or just plain screwed up.
In general, youth keep me on my toes and my faith alive. It is always amazing to me how much a youth has to offer if given the chance. To get the full value of youth one must take the time to let them in your life. Just like any relationship, it needs time to grow. The more it grows, the more your life will benefit. I hear people say youth are the future, or the youth now a days just don’t get it; but I find most of the youth I’ve encountered amazingly talented and caring people and a vital part of life. Most importantly, youth help keep me feeling alive.
My story: “FAMILY,” MUSIC and YOUTH!!! What’s your story????
With the help of all those in my story, I hope I can be a true beacon of Christ’s light to the world. The refrain of ELW 720, We Are Called says
“We are called to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly;
we are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God.”
My “story” is a great example of this and for that I’m so very grateful. Without family, music and youth in my life, I know my life wouldn’t be filled with as much love. May God bless.
Strive to be a beacon of Christ’s love in the world.