All year, we’ve been exploring all the ways story shapes our understanding of God, the world around us and our place within it. On Wednesday nights during the season of Lent we’ll be tending to this last piece to a greater depth. We are inviting five people, one for each Wednesday, to bring us a story of journey. The story could be of a physical journey, a spiritual journey or even a metaphorical journey. Have you been on a journey that you could shape a story around?
This story is not a sermon. This story doesn’t have to be about or even mention God (through you, God is a part of it already). We’ll let our liturgy, Holden Evening Prayer, carry all the theological weight during our worship. This story does have to be about you or an experience that you have first-hand knowledge of and can share authentically with the rest of us. And… this story has be told in 10 minutes or less.
For a sample of what we’re talking about, check out The Moth, an educational non-profit that promotes storytelling through events, workshops, radio programming and podcasts. [Listen to “The Magnificat”]
Jodi Houge, pastor of Humble Walk, will be with us at the adult forum on Sunday, February 24. Her church regularly hosts storytelling events at a neighborhood bar along West 7th Street. Their community has witnessed the transformative power of story first-hand: people sharing the truths of their lives, being vulnerable and honest without reservation.
Storytelling Workshop – February 26
On Tuesday evening, February 26, Pastor Jodi will also be leading a storytelling workshop where she take attendees through a process to prepare a story to be shared with an audience. The workshop is open to anyone wanting to explore this concept more deeply. Anyone interested in being a Lent Wednesday storyteller should plan to attend. Call the office, sign up in the narthex or talk to one of the pastors if you’re interested in participating in the workshop and/or being one of our Wednesday storytellers in Lent.