God calls us to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God” in Micah 6:8.
Join Pastor Betsy and Pastor Ruth for a free Martin Luther King Weekend Event for all ages. We are attending the Together We Sing Festival sponsored by VocalEssence and other musicians including the Cameron Choir.
“Every social movement in modern history has been inspired by music that rouses the masses, speaks truth to power, and cements public consciousness. On MLK weekend 2019, join VocalEssence and guest artists to raise your voice and give back. In partnership with the Minnesota Historical Society, sing songs of protest and progress, move your feet to the rhythm of justice, try your hand at spoken word performance, and volunteer for a service project.”
For more info: http://www.vocalessence.org/event/family-event-together-we-sing-festival/
Contact Pastor Betsy to sign up and let us know if you’d like to carpool from church or meet us there. Call her at the office 651-484-4144 or email her at Betsy@poproseville.org.
The event is at the Minnesota History Center, 345 W. Kellogg Blvd in St. Paul. The event is free. Admission to the 1968 and Somali American Exhibits may be purchased separately. Registration is 1:00-1:30, Saturday, Jan. 19, and the event is 1:30-5 p.m. Can’t be there all afternoon? Come for part of the day!