Milt Warkentien, Music Ministry Coordinator and Lightshine Youth Choir Director
January, 2019 Worship Schedule:
Jan. 6: Traditional with communion
Chancel Choir at both services.
Jan. 13: Traditional
8:30 Chancel Choir 10:45 Lightshine
Jan. 20: Traditional with communion
Bells of Peace at both services.
Jan. 27: Big Band-led Service
Musical ensemble at both services.
“Why Jesus?” is an interesting question with many possible answers.
“Why Jesus?” is the theme for the 9 Sundays in Epiphany. Each week “Why Jesus?” will be looked at from a statement such as “Because Jesus is blessing.” I think this could be a fascinating way to go through Epiphany. Another added bonus to all of this is that we are working on this series with other churches. Prince of Peace is responsible for one of the weeks, but all the other churches are responsible for coming up with ideas for the other weeks. This doesn’t mean we have to use their ideas, and they don’t have to use ours, but it does bring in many creative ideas from which to ponder. We will be walking with Jesus through the Gospel of Matthew during Epiphany, so reading the first 5 chapters of Matthew will get you ready for January. What stories do you think are the focus of “Why Jesus?” Do you have a favorite story in Matthew? If so, will it be used? These are the types of questions that arose as I was looking for hymns to use during Epiphany.
“Because Jesus is blessing” has one of my favorite passages in it. Matthew 5: 14-16. This is the scripture reading we use to give a newly baptized person their baptismal candle. This is the scripture reading of where we hear we are the God’s light and because of that we need to let our light shine. Just a heads up: We will be using “This Little Light of Mine” somewhere in the service that day.
In looking at the texts and supporting materials for Epiphany, I found it interesting to ask, “why me?” and then look at the “because” statement and say “because I’m a blessing.” It is an interesting way to look at how your “Light” is shining in the world. It’s been eye-opening for me, in that many times I don’t have easy answers for how my life is like the “because” statements. If I’m a part of God’s light to the world I think I should be able to say “Because…” when I ask “Why Me?”
I hope you find the “Why Jesus” series in Epiphany a valuable look at how you are living your faith. ELW 677 is “This Little Light of Mine” and the 3rd verse is “Jesus gave it to me, I’m goin’-a let it shine; Jesus gave it to me, I’m goin’-a let it shine; Jesus gave it to me, I’m goin’-a let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.”
My prayer for all of us is that no matter how brightly God’s light is shining in each of us, we all learn to have it shine even brighter. Matthew 5: 14-16 from Contemporary English Version, “You are like light for the whole world. A city built on top of a hill cannot be hidden, and no one would light a lamp and put it under a clay pot. A lamp is placed on a lamp stand where it can give light to everyone in the house. Make your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and praise your Father in heaven.” Why me? Because I’m God’s light!