Two significant events have shaped my ministry this summer, one unexpected and one long-planned for. My gallbladder reached its expiration date and required a quick response. I’m so grateful for all the support I received on short notice. So many were accommodating with all the shifts and changes this required.
I’m also thankful that I was still able to accompany the youth group to the National Youth Gathering in Houston. It was an amazing experience shared amongst a great group of kids. Erika’s leadership brought us there and back safely. We were the beneficiaries of so much congregational support, especially Marge Beauvais’ leadership and support, which allowed for something truly transformative to take place for our youth group. Amidst both events, some wonderful ministry at Prince of Peace continued to happen.
Staff Transitions
- Call Committee for Associate Pastor: I met individually with all four candidates forwarded from the Synod prior to the first round of interviews with the committee. I did not sit in on the group interviews but joined the committee in their deliberation and supported them in their discernment. I met again with final candidates following their second interviews, focusing on collaborative working style. I’m impressed with the work of the committee and have every confidence that we’re on track to receive a wonderful new pastoral colleague in the near future.
- The Interview Committee for Visitation/Congregational Care: I arranged for three candidates to be interviewed (all of which I had met with individually) and shepherded the process of having the council approve her hire. It’s a joy and a relief to have her already in place.
- Youth Director Search Process: Two strong candidates were forwarded to the interview committee formed by the Youth Committee, both of which I have met with individually. In addition, the entire(!) youth group met with the final candidate to gauge their sense a capacity for future relationship. This has been a great process and we’ll be excited to be announcing this placement very soon.
- Funeral Coordinator: Advertising for applicants has closed and we’re continuing to seek members to serve on an interview/selection committee.
Program Notes
- “Drinking Deeply from the Psalms” was a delightful series for the first half of our summer. It was serendipitous to have the series author Rolf Jacobson cover for me on the kick-off Sunday. Thanks too to Scott Tunseth and Steve Sveom for their help in my absences.
- “Tasting the Bread of Life” series begins on July 29 and continues 5 weeks, through August.
- The Adult Ed committee has endorsed the plan to use the Narrative Lectionary beginning in September (more info here). Rolf Jacobson has agreed to come introduce the lectionary for the benefit of the whole congregation on Sunday, Sept. 16 (Rally Sunday). I will be working with the Worship and Children’s Ministry committees in the coming weeks to finalize the planning around this shift.
- The proposed change to Narrative Lectionary will require some redesign of existing curricula. Sunday forums are being planned with this shift in mind and some great sessions are in the works.
- In addition to the seven high school youth that attended the National Youth Gathering, we had a number of young campers at Camp WAPO this month. Two of our youth are also heading to Montana to attend Christikon Lutheran Bible Camp.
And finally…
I attended “Love Let(s) Go!” a Stewardship training conference, July 9-11 sponsored by the Saint Paul Area Synod and will be attending another stewardship retreat in Montana while I’ll be there on vacation. As you might expect, re-energizing our stewardship initiatives are the next big project on my horizon and I look forward to sharing more about this initiative very soon.
Though the many staff transitions are still underway, the light seems to be peeking out from the end of the tunnel. I look forward to welcoming these new colleagues and inviting them into the delight that is the ministry we share with all of you. Thanks for all you continued prayers and support.
Cover Photo Note: I’m lucky to be able to spend some of these summer days at our family cabin, sometimes returning back to Roseville early on Sunday mornings for worship. This was a recent sunrise that sent me on my way.