Older Kids Senior Group May Gathering
The OK’s meet at 11:30 a.m., Thursday, May 10, for the last event of this year.
“Around the World Music” Rob Everest, a graduate of our Roseville Area High School and a South American/Spain and Portugal traveler, will entertain with music from around the world from his 7-string guitar. The reviewer in Twin Cities Metro Magazine, August, 2009, said “…when this talented multi-instrumentalist sings to audiences from Minneapolis to Madrid, his fluency of language resonates with genuine intention and emotion.” Rob can be found at Maria’s Restaurant in Minneapolis at Saturday and Sunday brunch times. Link to the music of Rob Everest.
Social hour at 11:30, luncheon catered by Barb Lyman at noon, with the music program following. Cost of lunch is $10.00. Please make your reservation in the narthex after worship May 6, or call Helen Danielson at 651-765-1940 or Vera Ista, 651-484-4443, by Monday noon, May 7. See you on May 10th.