February Circle Bible Studies
The January bible study was well received for its openness to other’s viewpoints on the scripture passage. The scripture text for February is Luke 3:13 – 17 and the study question is “Does the Bible often mean something different to African-Americans than it does to Hispanic Americans or to European Americans? – to women than men . . . to Lutherans than Baptists or to Roman Catholics?”
For women not participating in a circle bible study, you are encouraged to come to one of the circles. Call a hostess for more information or directions.
Rebecca Circle meets in the home on Monday, Feb. 12 at 7:00
- Hostess: Lois Johnson, 651-778-1978
- Bible Study Leader: Carol Swanson
Lydia Circle meets in church library Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 9:30am
- Hostess: Aggie Zawada, 651-483-1984
- Bible Study Leader: Sharon Rachner
Women of the Well Circle meets in the home Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 9:30am
- Hostess: Betchen Oberdorfer, 651-631-0770
- Surprise Bible Study
Ruth Circle meets in the church library Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 1:30pm
- Hostess: Gail Meier, 651-484-6245
- Bible Study Leader: Anne Haugan