Message: “Lost and Found” from Debbie Jorgens

A message from the series “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Story.” When Mary and Joseph lose track of 12-year-old Jesus, they search frantically until finding him in the temple in Jerusalem. What can this story teach us about our priorities in living faithfully as God’s people?

Message: “A Light for All Ages” from Peter Christ

A message from the series “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Story.” Even in their advanced years, Simeon and Anna’s faith and witness shine brightly, reminding us that God’s extraordinary work often unfolds through those patiently waiting. How might their story inspire us to see the sacred role of elders in sharing hope and pointing to God’s promises today?

Message: “When Heaven Meets Earth” from Peter Christ

A message from the series “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Story.” God’s extraordinary love broke into the world through the most ordinary of people. In a world yearning for peace and justice, this timeless story offers hope, courage, and a promise to turn the world right side up again.