Congregational Council Updates

A brief look at issues discussed and actions taken by the Congregation Council at their monthly meetings. 

Community Conversation: Build A Church

Community Conversation: Build A Church

Sunday, June 16; 10:30am

An opportunity to build the church and love the world. The motion for the congregation’s consideration:

Prince of Peace Council moves that a three-year grant be approved in the amount of $90,000 from the Rose Diestler funds for the purpose of a build the church project.

Presenter: Deborah Cordes


June 13 Council Recap

The June 13 meeting of the congregation council focused primarily on preparation for the upcoming congregational meeting. The council approved the following motions. Motion to recommend approval of the proposed 2023-24 operating budget by the Prince of Peace...

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June 2023 Semi-Annual Meeting

Join us on Sunday, June 25 for our Semi-Annual meeting that will take place following the 10:00am worship service, beginning at 11:00am. Find a Zoom link to join in remotely.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows…

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May 2023 Council Update

At our meeting on Tuesday, May 9 the congregation council addressed the following: Treasurer’s Report  Arjun Sethi reported that our revenue and expenses are stable and on track with our operating budget.  He is working to adjust the way we categorize and...

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April 2023 Council Recap

Here is a brief summary of the key topics covered at the April meeting of our congregation council: Interim Pastor   Council members introduced themselves to Rev. Walter Still, who will serve as our interim pastor while Pastor Peter is away on...

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