Congregational Council Updates

A brief look at issues discussed and actions taken by the Congregation Council at their monthly meetings. 

June Council Update

June Council Update

Highlights of the Regular Monthly Meeting on June 11, 2024

Personnel Committee Updates

Alyssa Herrig

The congregation has been notified that we have identified and hired a new staff member, Alyssa Herrig. Alyssa will start on July 8th, as our new Director of Family, Fun, Faith Formation, and Communications. [Read Alyssa’s bio here.] Also, the Committee presented an updated Lead Pastor position description, the culmination of a lot of discussion with Pastor Peter and the Personnel Committee as a whole. The council unanimously agreed to adopt the position description and it will be used to begin staff reviews between the personnel committee and each staff member over the next few months. 

Treasurer’s Report Indicates Health as Fiscal Year Nears End

The council then heard a treasurer’s report which sounded very positive for both closing out the 2023-24 year and what the budget looks like for 2024-25. We are grateful for generous giving which has put us in a very favorable financial position moving forward! The Council moved to present the final draft of the proposed 2024-25 Budget for Mission. The congregation will have an opportunity to review the “Build the Church” proposal and bring forward their questions at a June 16 Information Session. [Read more here.] An information session for the proposed budget will take place in June 23. [Read more here.]

Revised Solar Energy Project Being Advanced

Panels will rotate to follow the sun!

The council then heard an update from James Ericksen regarding a revised proposal for solar power generation located on the PoP property. We had a lengthy discussion about where the project is and how James and the Project Management Team will move forward which seemed very positive. The PMT will share its proposal at the June 23 budget information session and will bring forward the proposal for congregational approval at the June 30th semi-annual meeting

Youth Ministry Update

We then heard an update from the youth committee which told us that the talent show was very successful and has provided enough money to fund the youth gathering trip to New Orleans and two camp scholarships! There will be a commissioning service for all those traveling to NOLA during worship on Sunday, July 14.

Sacred Settlement Prepares for a New Neighbor

Finally, we heard an update on the sacred settlement that the settlement care team has identified a possible resident for the third tiny home! We will look for more information in the coming weeks, but for now we can pray that whether it works out or not, they find peace and reliable shelter soon.  [Editor’s note: The Settlement Stewardship Team subsequently made a formal decision to accept the application of the potential neighbor under consideration. Staff and the Settlement Care Team are now making preparations to welcome our new neighbor in the coming days. Read more in the latest Settlement Update.]

Update compiled and submitted by Andrew Hannesh, Congregation Vice-President.


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