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Process-Relational Discussion Group
Saturday, January 11; 10:00 - 11:30am @ Johanna Shores This month's discussion will be centered on What Is Process Thought? Please contact Carol Swanson with any questions. Johanna Shores is on Fairview Ave North, just north of County Road D West - 3200 Lake Johanna...
Christmas Eve Worship Assistance
Christmas Eve is one of those times when our sanctuary is filled with people who aren't here regularly or are first-time attendees. Having a bunch of 'regulars' prepared to be especially hospitable contributes greatly to the sense of welcome others will hopefully...
Bega Kwa Bega | Shoulder to Shoulder
Sacred Settlement | Prince of Peace Intentional Neighbors. Permanent Homes. Cultivated Places. Purposeful Work. Supportive Friends. “Bega Kwa Bega” is the name of St. Paul Area Synod's companion relationship with the Iringa Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church...
End of Year Donations
We are grateful for your support for the mission and ministry of Prince of Peace! If you have financial donations that you would like to count towards the 2024 tax year, please do one of the following: Bring to worship on December 24 or December 29 Mail to the...
You Are Being Called…
We have multiple opportunities to serve your church. The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for a number of leadership positions to be elected at the upcoming semi-annual meeting of the congregation on Sunday, Jan. 26. 2025.