Council Working on Liberating Structures

Council Working on Liberating Structures

Last spring Prince of Peace was invited to participate in a new Synod-led initiative called “Liberating Structures.” Along with six other congregation, we are looking at how we govern ourselves and organize our ministries. Could we be more efficient and vital if we freed ourselves from old ways of doing things? Do our constitution, bylaws and continuing resolutions provide needed structure or create obstacles to fulfilling our mission?

Reconnecting By Loving our Neighbors

Reconnecting By Loving our Neighbors

2021 is a year of adapting and that is true for our annual God’s Work, Our Hands event to love and serve our neighbors. This year it moved out of doors as we made cards for LSS’s Camp Noah, tied fleece blankets for Bridging, packaged laundry soap, and did clean up at Central Park. 

Renewing Alongside Our Global Neighbors

Renewing Alongside Our Global Neighbors

These words about scholarship students were from a Zoom call with our partners in Bomalang’ombe and Vikongwa Tanzania. Technology has allowed us to share news and prayer requests throughout the year to strengthen our relationship. There are a lot of exciting things happening for our partners like completing building projects and a a newly paved road leading into Bomalang’ombe. They continue to pray for us and we all long for the day when we can once again meet face to face. 

Reconnecting by Learning & Growing

Reconnecting by Learning & Growing

Every three years, 30,000 high school youth and their adult leaders from across the country gather for a week of faith formation known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. Through days spent in interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service, and fellowship, young people grow in faith and are challenged and inspired to live their faith in their daily lives. Prince of Peace is excited to send 11 high school students and 2 adult chaperones for a week of faith formation at the largest gathering of Lutheran Youth. Fundraising activities included making lefse for the Christmas Café Bake Sale.

Renewing by Learning & Growing

Renewing by Learning & Growing

In 2020, kids didn’t gather for Vacation Bible School. Instead we did VBS-in-a-Box as a take home activity. Summer 2021 brought the first-ever outdoor VBS. Using the big tent in the parking lot and the plentiful grassy areas, kids learned bible stories, did art projects, science experiments and played games. Besides being fun for younger kids, VBS is a great leadership opportunity for middle schoolers to do pup-pet shows, lead games, help with crafts and bond with the younger kids. 

Reconnecting by Caring for Creation

Reconnecting by Caring for Creation

One of the first opportunities for the congregation to get together last spring was a landscaping project to revitalize the two new rain gardens. We had 5 yards of mulch dropped off by each rain garden in the driveways. A wonderful turnout by young and old with shovels and 5 gallon pails made short work of the job. This both visually dressed up the appearance and reduced the weed bed to help the native plants.