Wednesday, November 27 Worship @ 6:30pm; Pie to follow Join us Wednesday, November 27 at 6:30pm for our Thanksgiving Eve service and Pie Social! Prince of Peace’s high school youth group will be dishing up pie and collecting free-will donations to support their...
Sunday, December 1 @ 9:40-10:40amPoP Gym The congregation is invited to the open house baby shower for Julene & Andrew Hannesh. Their baby boy is due at the end of December. Gifts are not expected; your presence is a gift! If you choose to gift, they are...
Thursday, October 17 from 10am-12pm Everyone is invited to PoP for a morning of projects, including: Cloud of Saints; wood chips & landscaping; garage maintenance. Bring gloves & 5 gallon buckets if you have them. Other projects may be added.
The dates & sign-up for Prince of Peace’s Every Meal distribution at Central Park Elementary are LIVE! All dates on the sign-up are Fridays unless they are indicated otherwise. Please plan on arriving at 10:00am on the day of your service. Depending on...