Advent Devotions
All are invited as we Make Room this Advent season.
The Risk of Good News
“Faith is not a private wager but a public risk that Jesus is worthy of trust when no other hope can be trusted.” – James M. Edwards[1]
In this Sunday’s gospel story (Luke 4:14-30), Jesus returns to Galilee and delivers a provocative message in his hometown synagogue. Quoting Isaiah, he announces that God’s Spirit has anointed him to bring good news to the poor, release to the captives, sight to the blind, and freedom to the oppressed. At first, the crowd marvels at his words, but their amazement quickly turns to anger when Jesus broadens the scope of God’s work beyond their community.
This moment sets the tone for Jesus’ ministry: his message is profoundly good, but it is also deeply challenging. It disrupts comfortable assumptions and calls for a radical reimagining of who belongs in God’s story. The good news is not limited to insiders; it extends to outsiders, the marginalized, and even enemies.
Theologian James Edwards reminds us that faith is not passive—it is a “public risk.” Jesus’ proclamation challenges us to take that risk, to live in ways that embody God’s vision of justice and mercy. How might God be calling you to step into this story? Are there places in your life where faith is inviting you to risk comfort, reputation, or security for the sake of others?
As we follow Jesus’ example, may we embrace the challenge of his message, trusting that God’s Spirit is with us as we share in the healing of the world.
May you find yourself in God’s story today. -Pastor Peter
Let’s pray… God of justice and mercy, give us courage to risk comfort and security, that we may live boldly into your vision of healing and hope for all. Amen.
[1]The Gospel according to Mark (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2002), 101.
Living Within God’s Limits
The story of creation in Genesis offers some direct wisdom for how we might respond to the climate crisis today. God sets clear boundaries in the garden—limits that nurture life and sustain balance. When humanity ignores these limits, we see the first fracture in creation’s harmony. This ancient narrative reveals a timeless truth: God’s world thrives when humans respect the boundaries woven into creation.
Back to the Beginning
As we begin a new school and program year, we’ll also enter our new series, Story Matters. And on Sunday, we’ll go back to the beginning, with God’s creation of humanity in the garden. And, even in paradise, there are boundaries meant to sustain life in harmony.
It all Belongs to God
Today's devotion comes from Christ in Our Home a daily devotional published by Augsburg Fortress. This devotional is available for free to anyone interested in the narthex at Prince of Peace. Psalm 106:1-6, 13-23, 47-48 Photo by Mandy Bourke on Unsplash O give thanks...
Labor Day Joy
As summer fades and Labor Day signals the return to school, work, and the routines of fall, the message of our “Complete Joy” series on 1 John offers timely encouragement. Throughout this series, we’ve explored how faith, love, and assurance in Christ shape our lives and bring us true joy. Now, as our focus shifts from summer’s leisure to the demands of the coming season, John’s message reminds us that joy is not confined to carefree moments; it is found in the everyday rhythms of life rooted in God’s love.