Today’s devotion comes from Christ in Our Home a daily devotional published by Augsburg Fortress. This devotional is available for free to anyone interested in the narthex at Prince of Peace.

Psalm 106:1-6, 13-23, 47-48

Photo by Mandy Bourke on Unsplash

O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.

My preschooler and I sit at the table, tummies rumbling. Steaming plates of spaghetti and broccoli beckon. He reaches for his fork. I stop him, noting we need to pray first. “Nooo! I’, hungry!” He stabs a noodle.

“Jack,” I press, “everything we have comes from and belongs to God. That’s why we say thanks.”

“Even dinner?”

I tell him yes, God created it. First as wheat, tomato, and broccoli plants. They were picked, prepared, and sold to us by people who – like us – are part of God’s creation. Jack looks thoughtful. I squeeze his hand and start our table prayer. My son joins in, finishing with “And let these gifts to us be blessed.”

Daily, God provides enough for all and calls us to share justly: food, clothing, shelter, fellowship. Sometimes we are so eager to eat our meal, we forget to acknowledge the source of all goodness. Prayer connects us with God, allowing us to share our request and thanksgiving. God loves when we do this.

Great Nourisher, you alone are the source of our daily bread. Help us lift our heats in praise to you for such goodness. Amen.

Prayer concern: The ELCA World Hunger Ministry

Deuteronomy 4:21-40; Mark 7:9-23