Day 4
Today we woke up at god knows what hour ( 6:50 am) and ate breakfast and hit the road by 8:20 am. Our big group was split into two today, the old dogs( seniors, graduated, Erika, and Scott) and the youngins (everyone else, Julene, and Bryce). The first stop was a community garden called Earthlinks. We helped pulled weeds and get their labyrinth cleaned up. Then we ate our daily sandwich ( they are getting old, send help) and hopped back in the car to change into long pants and go to our next place. Project Cure is an organization that helps bring in donated equipment and send it off to hospitals in need. I would say that we all had fun looking at different types of medical stuff like catheter tubes and a pure wick! After that, we drove 30 mins back to our lodge and had free time before dinner where most of our time was spent making bracelets or phone time. After dinner, we had a lovely quiet hike up to the top of a mountain and had a short church service where Erika and Julene graced us with songs. Overall the day was a pretty good one in my opinion. On behalf of the rest of the group, we are enjoying this trip and want to thank everyone for donating so that we were able to make this happen.
Peace out,
Teagan and Ashwini