New Time: Saturday, May 14 from 1:00 – 4:00pm
Due to the recent uptick in Covid cases and exposure within our congregation, plans for the May 14 Celebration of Renewal have changed. The morning session and lunch have been canceled. The afternoon event will remain as scheduled, from 1 to 4 pm. The meeting will be hybrid, so members can participate in person or via Zoom. It will also be recorded and available for viewing later on YouTube.
We will be joined by Rev. Justin Grimm, Director for Evangelical Mission/Assistant to the Bishop for Next Generation Ministries at the St. Paul Area Synod office. Justin will lead us in a time of exploration around our call at this time as the Church. The world is a lot more like Good Friday than Easter but we are Easter people. Each one of us has been called and equipped to do the work of Christ in this world. Justin will utilize interactive activities to help us identify where we have been, where we are, and the work we are called to do together. Justin believes that each one of us is gifted specifically for this time.