“As you, therefore, have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7
This has been the theme verse for our annual giving campaign, Build Us Up. God has deeply blessed each of us through creation and has reached out in love through Jesus so that we might remain connected to a life-giving promise. God works through this church to continue delivering on this promise of never-ending love and has extended an invitation to each of us to participate in this bold mission.
Over the past month, we’ve listened to stories of generosity from our community that have described how God has built up this church with people, props and partnerships to empower God’s activity among us. Which of these stories resonated with you? Was it Deb Cordes, who spoke of the relationships formed by offering hospitality to neighbors in an elementary school or our parking lot on the 4th of July? Was it Kent Olson, who described the value of the technology resources now enabling us to stay connected no matter the distance? Or was it Caryn Josephson, who celebrated the amazing work our support empowers with our ministry partners both locally and around the world?
During worship yesterday we recited the following blessing for the commitment cards that over 60 households have returned so far:
“Blessed be your name, O God; you build us up as we receive the good gifts of life and salvation. As we give and receive these presents, bless our commitment to invest in the people, props, and partnerships of your church. So that with thankful hearts, we might become a blessing for all those in need. We ask this through Christ our Savior. Amen.”
The pledges of financial support that we have received for our shared work as Prince of Peace are an inspiration. If you have yet to make a pledge, it’s not too late. Returning your commitment card is an important way for our leaders to plan the shape of our ministry in the coming year. You can even fill out your Commitment Card online by clicking here – it only takes a minute.
God is building us up, every day, so that we might set loose the power of God’s love in the world. Prince of Peace continues to be blessed by your presence and participation in this bold act of faith- thank you!
May God’s peace find you this day! -Pastor Peter
Let us pray…
God of generosity, you have filled the world with goodness. You have also invited us to use all that you have given so that all creation will continue to thrive. Help us to employ the unique gifts you have instilled in each person for the sake of the whole world. Build us up, Lord. Fill your church with people inspired to lead, with the props necessary to support our work, and with the partnerships that enable us to expand our reach. Amen.
(2022 Discernment Prayer for Generosity)