The Smart Team has met on several occasions and begun the work of determining how the community might continue to adjust its practice of ministry with safety for all participants in mind. In light of current guidelines from MN Dept. of Health and the CDC, Prince of Peace could facilitate in-person gatherings that take place outdoors with the following protocols:
- No more than 250 attendees.
- Participants either remain inside vehicles or wear masks.
- PoP will provide masks for those without.
- Children ages 3-5 recommended but not required.
- Masks should NOT be worn by children under the age of 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unable to remove the mask without assistance.
- Participants adhere to social distancing:
- Members of the same household may congregate but remain at least 6’ from any other person or household,
- Visual markers of appropriate distances should be available.
- Cars with open windows must also be at least 6’ apart.
- Exchange of materials between people should be limited and controls for sanitization in place (no bulletins, no offering plate, etc.)
- Worship to include communion must utilize individualized sanitary elements distributed by gloved and masked servers.
- Participants encouraged to bring their own elements, especially those who require gluten-free.
- Leaders (speakers and musicians) may be unmasked with a minimum of 12’ distance to others.
- Shared equipment (microphones, etc.) should be avoided whenever possible or sanitized between uses.
- Participants should be encouraged to bring their own chairs/blankets. Any PoP chairs must be sanitized prior to and after use.
- Building access, including restrooms, should remain closed.
The Smart Team encourages ministry leaders to plan outdoor in-person gatherings while weather permits. In cases of inclement weather, gatherings must be rescheduled or cancelled. Relocation indoors is not permitted at this time.
Pre-registration for events may be appropriate in order to facilitate planning and logistics. Guidelines and expectations should be clearly communicated to participants in advance of the event. Those who are not feeling well or have been exposed to someone with Covid-19 in the past 14 days should not attend.
The Smart Team is currently developing the protocols for indoor gatherings. The congregation should expect that the allowable number of participants for in-person ministry occurring indoors will be quite limited. While some ministries will be able to gather in our facility, a return to in-person worship services on Sunday mornings is not expected in the near future. Please direct any questions or concerns to Pastor Peter at this time.