by Anne Haugan
Prince of Peace has had a Befriender Ministry for thirty years. Many of our trained Befrienders have moved, died, or have grown old. Thus some new ways have evolved to provide a caring ministry of support.
Ten Befrienders are still involved in this supporting ministry, and we are fortunate to have Debbie Jorgens as a staff person in charge of Visitation and Congregational Care. Debbie regularly keeps in touch with our homebound members through visits, phone calls, and emails, and she collaborates with Pastor Peter to keep an up-to-date list for the Prayer Ministry. Ruth Hagander and Jan Hanson continue to have “coffee on wheels” with scheduled visits to Prince of Peace members in senior residences. They bring a treat and conversation – sometimes the resident even has a drink ready or it is secured from the kitchen. Sometimes they bring a flower. Ruth and Jan say these visits are a special pleasure for them.
Card Ministry
Members over eighty years old are sent birthday greetings. Sympathy, get well, and thinking of you cards are also sent. Advent, Valentine and Easter greetings are mailed to homebound members.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
For many years Donna Gramstad organized and hosted the prayer shawl knitters. Since her sudden death in December ’23 Mazie Niebeling has been in charge of this group of knitters which meets the first Monday of each month in the church library at 12:30pm. New participants are welcome.
Befriender Resource Library is now housed in our Church Library and consists of the training materials and help and support resources. Please make use of these resources.