Starting February 9 we will no longer be asking readers and greeters to sign up ahead of time to serve on Sunday mornings.

Instead, we will have resources available for people to simply show up and serve on Sunday morning.


There are three weeks worth of readings in the new hanging file organizer. Reading packets are labeled with the date and time of the service a reader is needed.

If you see a reading for Sunday morning still sitting there and are willing to read, simply take the readings to participate in that mornings service.

If you want more time to prepare, simply take the reading for an upcoming week.

If you take a reading packet please make sure that you add you name to the clipboard for the date and time that you will be reading. This will help us ensure that all reading slots are covered.


There are two greeter nametags hanging just inside the main doors in the narthex. If you are willing to be a greeter and the nametags are hanging simply grab the nametag and welcome all those joining us for worship.

After you are done, simply return the nametag so it is available for the next service.

Thank you for helping to serve on Sunday mornings and for creating a vibrant and welcoming community.