Today’s author is Prince of Peace member, Paul Sponheim.
As we read these ancient Genesis stories we know that we are standing at the very edge of time itself and we have questions. The scientists have told us of a Big Bang way, WAY, back and we wonder about the changes that seem so sudden and sweeping in our own lives. How on earth can you create something out of nothing? What was it like to be that first earth creature? Is there something of that wildness in us still? If so, is that good or bad?
Yes, we have our questions, but one thing we do understand is that this biblical story is interesting. Why does it interest us? Well, for one thing, this story we are starting with our study this week is comprehensive. All these other stories-God’s promise to Abraham and to David, Elijah’s encounter with the widow, ALL of them, are part of this one very long story. The story has plenty of surprises in it, but it fits the fact that as human beings we are fully in history. Perhaps with our own seemingly small lives we are trying to write a little bit of history. Maybe the way our small stories make the most sense is that they play a part in that one great story. Martin Heidegger wrote a book about that connection and called it, very appropriately, Sein und Zeit (Being and Time). For my tombstone I’ll gladly take: “He made a difference.”
We have found our way to the theme of God the CREATOR. That’s one of the two great themes Pastor Peter put together as the focus for this week and , arguably, for the series: CREATION AND FALL. Alfred North Whitehead, the great mathematician, wrote “The teleology {purpose} of the universe is directed to the production of beauty.” (Adventure of Ideas, 265) Human beings are not the driftwood of the universe. We have a calling from the Creator. How is it going for us lately? Well, not so well. WE ARE FALLEN CREATURES. It turns out that we don’t do so well with the gift of freedom, so important for a genuine relationship of love. But God has not forfeited the role of Creator, Yes, Creation and Fall–that is the paradoxical rhythm for the dance we humans do.
AS September days shorten, let us sing a psalm of praise for the beauty of God’s creation. Not just the mountains, prairies and lakes. Let us also sing of the beautiful relationships God can create through and with the crown of creation made in God’s image. .
As a take-home test, I ASK ONE QUESTION: What difference does it make if I believe that God, the continuing Creator, made Vladimir PUTIN? Or, coming home, we have an election coming up and I have relatives whose politics seem incomprehensible to me. What difference does it make if I truly believe that God is their Creator?
For the beauty of the earth, For the beauty of the skies,
For the love which from our birth over and around us lies,
Gracious Lord to you we raise, This our sacrifice of praise.
(LBW #561, Amended)