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Yesterday in my sermon on 1 John 5:1-6, our third week exploring how John sees love as the central quality of our faith in God, I suggested that love is both the command and the “victory” of our faith. Like Olympic athletes, we accept the challenge and we train for results. So how do we experience this dually-faceted love in our everyday lives? Here are the four practical ways I shared:

  1. Prioritize Relationships: Just as athletes dedicate time to their training, we must prioritize our relationships with God and others. This means carving out time for prayer, worship, and meaningful connection with the people in our lives. Our relationships are the arena where love takes root and flourishes.
  2. Serve with Joy: God’s commandments are not burdensome, and serving others should be a source of joy, not obligation. Whether through small acts of kindness or larger commitments, serving others is a tangible way to express God’s love. When we serve joyfully, we reflect the love that God has shown us.
  3. Practice Forgiveness: In a world that often encourages holding onto grudges, forgiveness is a radical act of love. When we forgive, we break down walls of division and bring healing to our relationships. Forgiveness is a powerful way to live out God’s love and overcome the world’s tendency toward conflict.
  4. Support the Vulnerable: True love looks outward, especially toward those who are most in need. Whether through financial support, volunteering, or simply offering a listening ear, supporting the vulnerable is a direct expression of God’s love in action.

As we strive to live out these practices, may we discover the joy and “victory” that come from loving as God has loved us.

May God’s peace find you today. -Pastor Peter

Let’s pray… God of love, help us prioritize relationships, serve with joy, practice forgiveness, and support the vulnerable. May our love reflect your grace and bring healing to the world. Amen.