Today’s author is Retired ELCA Pastor and Prince of Peace member, Steve Sveom.

1 John 1:1-2:2

We have heard that the fulfillment of God’s commands can be summed up in the call to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength; and, to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.  The author of 1 John doesn’t explicitly say it, but presents complete joy as being found in these two realities.  To a community of faith enduring some tension, the author calls them to fully enter into the message of the gospel of John.

“We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life…” v.1

We are drawn to the beginning of John’s gospel which starts “In the beginning was the Word” a beginning that extends back to the foundation of all things – ultimately God.  The gospel proceeds to tell the story of Jesus and at the concluding high point, the resurrected Jesus appears to the disciples and Thomas, acknowledging the role of our senses in physically experiencing God’s grace by declaring “…put your finger here and see my hands.  Reach out your hand and put it in my side.  Do not doubt but believe.” To which Thomas exclaims: “My Lord and my God.” 

The author of 1 John wants to declare that complete joy is found in a love for God through Christ and in living that love in tangible ways with other people.  I can honestly say that among the most intensely satisfying moments of my life God was present in ways that may not have been fully understood but that could be seen, heard and felt in deep connection with others.  Music being sung together; service being done together; hugs being shared; a conversation leading to a deep connection with another person; and love being lived in concrete ways.  The author will declare that God has loved us first – but that God’s love is fulfilled in ways that can be seen and heard, touched and felt.

In this first chapter of 1 John, we are challenged with the need to drop our self-deceptions and humbly confess our weakness so that God will be free to love us and we will be enabled to love others.  Complete joy!

Prayer:  God of love: help us to lower our self-deceptions and pretenses so that your work of love will be accomplished in us and through us in tangible acts of love for our neighbors.  Amen