by Dave Trapp, Lead Pickleball Enthusiast
I’ve enjoyed playing pickleball for about ten years. It’s a sport that almost anyone can play as we age. When I joined PoP one year ago, I asked Pastor Peter if I could start a beginner pickleball group in our gym. He gave his enthusiastic approval. Soon a net was donated by the Warkentien family and the Monday morning work crew taped the court (thank you to all). I was able to find used paddles and purchased pickle balls. We were ready. It has been a year of fellowship, learning, incredible improvement and a lot of laughter. If you have any experience playing pickleball, please join us. We play most Fridays at 9 a.m. If you would like to learn how to play pickleball let me know, I’d be happy to meet with a small group to teach you how to play. All equipment is provided.